The Barker Art Scene

The Barker Performing Arts

Performing arts include acting, playing instruments, dancing, theatre, singing and more.
Here you will find links to performing art groups and events.

Plantagenet Players

Plantagenet PlayersFor more than 70 years The Plantagenet Players have entertained the community, care to join?

Memorial Road, Mount Barker, WA, Australia, 6324

Follow them on facebook

Movies filmed in and around Barker




In remote Western Australia, two estranged brothers, Colin (Sam Neill) and Les (Michael Caton), are at war.

Raising separate flocks of sheep descended from their family’s prized bloodline, the two men work side by side yet are worlds apart.



Coming Soon!


Films written & directed by Adam Morris
(in pre-production)

Adam’s third feature film in Albany is a dark comedy, Australian crime thriller in the style of The Godfather meets The Castle meets Fargo. 

Jimmy and Harry Burke have a problem. Their lawn rolling business is going under and the business loan they secretly took out using their mother’s home as equity is being called in. If they don’t come up with 90k by the end of the month they’re all out on the street. They only have one option… call Freddy.

Starring Peter Rowsthorn, Myles Pollard, Travis Jeffery and Trevor Jamieson

Learn more...


(or The Valley and the Walrus: Ruminations on the Mystery from Soup to Nuts)

Now Available on Prime Video

Adam’s second feature film, with all locations filmed in and around Albany.

Deep in a midlife crisis Frank (Myles Pollard), a faith and financial influencer on the edge of divorce, finds himself befriending Frank (Trevor Jamieson), a happily separated carpenter and artist who enjoys life. As their friendship grows and the two men start sharing stories Frank (Pollard) has to face up to his uncertain future…

Starring Myles Pollard and Trevor Jamieson




Adam Morris's first feature film.The film has drawn comparisons to Alexander Payne's "Sideways", Antonioni's "L'avventura" and Bruce Beresford's "Tender Mercies".

Edward and Isabella follow a young couple's getaway to the country to decide whether to stay together or end their relationship.

Starring Daniel Barwick, Renato Fabretti, and Chloe Hurst


Art Trail Map
Online Galleries
Performance Arts
Classes and Supplies
